Highest Ranking for Consumption Emissions

These are the parishes which are doing the best on their consumption emissions. HOWEVER, these emissions are still substantially above the average for England, so there is still lots of progress to make.

  1. Cranleigh (12.33), this is 7.3% below the average for Great Britain
  2. Godalming (12.83), this is 3.5 % below the average for Great Britain
  3. Farnham (12.94), this is 2.7% below the average for Great Britain

Consumption Emissions: all emissions caused by residents of the area considered, regardless of where they occur.

Methodology paper from IMPACT

(All data in tonnes CO2e per household per year. All data sourced from Community Carbon Calculator (IMPACT))

See parishes with progress to make

Switch to Territorial Emissions

Breakdown Rankings for Consumption Emissions

Goods & Services

  1. Haslemere (3.94)
  2. Cranleigh (4.02)
  3. Bramley (4.13)

Food & Diet

  1. Cranleigh (3.98)
  2. Haslmere (4.13)
  3. Ewhurst (4.18)


  1. Cranleigh (3.31)
  2. Haslemere (4.05)
  3. Bramley (4.59)


  1. Cranleigh (2.45)
  2. Farnham (2.68)
  3. Haslemere (2.86)

Methodology paper from IMPACT

(All data in tonnes CO2e per household per year. All data sourced from Community Carbon Calculator (IMPACT))

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